Friday, January 27, 2017

Three Comforting Thoughts About President Trump

January 24, 2017 5:30 am

It’s still hard wrapping my brain around the words “President Donald Trump” — but there are strategies for moving in that direction. Indeed, I’ve come up with three comforting thoughts about the next how-many years.

1) Trump has no fixed principles. He’s not a real conservative, which presents some interesting possibilities for those of a more liberal bent.

For example, he’s talked about having the federal government negotiate with drugmakers for lower Medicare prescription prices — a capital idea that Democrats have been promoting forever.

2) Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. This is not to question his presidential legitimacy. The Electoral College decides the winner. We are only noting the obvious: Many people voted for him, but “the people” did not. And since the election, Trump’s approval ratings have taken a steeper dive.

3) There’s comfort in knowing that with real power, Trump can no longer get away with contradictory positions. On such matters as Obamacare, there will be consequences whether Trump does one thing, the opposite, or nothing. And should those consequences involve hurting ordinary people, no amount of populist hypnosis is going to convince them otherwise.

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