Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Republican 'blame Obama for Obamacare repeal' strategy kicks off (joan Mccarter) · Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 12:35 pm

The Trump regime's "alternative facts" machine is already up and running, as pointed out Sunday in a panel on Joy-Ann Reid's MSNBC show.

“People are being hurt by their coverage being diminished, by their opportunities to get insurance being diminished,” Reid explained. “And [White House Press Secretary] Sean Spicer comes out and says, ‘No, they’re not. Nobody is suffering.’ And then you try to find the data on people’s insurance and HHS just doesn’t give it to you.”
“That’s where we are,” MSNBC analyst Joan Walsh agreed. “I think we’re really in a place where they’re going to scrub the data. They’re scrubbing websites now. And it’s really a challenge. I know a lot academics and others who are working to preserve the data that they already have.”
“They’re going to make it seems like, ‘Oh, well, Obamacare. We told you it’s falling apart,'” Walsh added.
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