Saturday, January 28, 2017

Charlotte mayor: GOP has threatened to dissolve our city council for protecting LGBT rights (david Nir) · Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 3:06 pm

Even for North Carolina Republicans, whose contempt for democracy is boundless, this is utterly astounding:

[Charlotte Mayor Jennifer] Roberts said that during the wrangling over LGBT policy, multiple state legislators have made off-handed mention to her of the state's authority to re-draw local government districts or dissolve city councils entirely. "They haven't said, 'We will,' or 'We'd think about it'—they've just said, 'We could,' " Roberts said.

WHAT in the ever-loving WHAT? Just dissolve the duly elected government of a city of 800,000 people? That literally sounds like the GOP is cribbing lines straight from the villains in Star Wars—as though they think Darth Vader is their role model.

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