Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reporting on the Bible

Forgery Of Biblical Proportions

I thought this was common knowledge: Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says.
holy bible Virtually half the New Testament was written by impostors taking on the names of apostles like Paul. At least according to Bart D. Ehrman, a renowned biblical scholar, who makes the charges in his new book Forged.
Ehrman claims that:
At least 11 of the 27 New Testament books are forgeries.
The New Testament books attributed to Jesus’ disciples could not have been written by them because they were illiterate.
Many of the New Testament’s forgeries were manufactured by early Christian leaders trying to settle theological feuds.
“There were a lot of people in the ancient world who thought that lying could serve a greater good,” says Ehrman.
Many religious leaders still feel that way. But now, "a greater good" involves money.

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