Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Judges - bought and paid for

It seems like at least the judges in our governmental system should be free from influence by special interest groups so that they can render impartial decisions, but I guess that's not even so.  Nor are they beyond lying about it.  Just warms the cockles of your heart, doesn't it?  The following is from The Progress Report (2/15/11).

Common Cause sent a letter to the Supreme Court yesterday asking for a clarification: though a Court spokeswoman previously said Justice Clarence Thomas only did a "brief drop-by" to a conservative, Koch-organized event in 2008, Thomas' financial disclosure report reveals four days of accommodations, paid for by the conservative Federalist Society. "I don't think the explanation they've given is credible," said Common Cause vice president Arn Pearson.

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