Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Catholics Want You To Suffer

This is incredible (From Daily Kos - Click the link to read more)...

Not content with being Bart Stupak's puppet-masters, pulling the strings to strip all abortion coverage out of healthcare reform, end all of their social service programs in DC if the city goes forward with a proposed gay marriage law, refusing communion to Catholics because of their political beliefs, the Bishops have outdone themselves on this one. David Dayen reports:

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops released an "Ethical and Religious Directive" this month that would ban any Catholic hospital, nursing home or hospice program from removing feeding tubes or ending palliative procedures of any kind, even when the individual has an advance directive to guide their end-of-life care. The Bishops’ directive even notes that patient suffering is redemptive and brings the individual closer to Christ....

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