Monday, September 22, 2008

Perceptions Are An Important Part of the Political Process

The last President (and the only President within the last 60 years) t0 cut spending and balance the federal budget for 3 straight years was Bill Clinton - a Democrat. (CNN wrote, in September of 2000, "It is the third year in a row the federal government has taken in more than it spent, and has paid down the debt. The last time the U.S. government had a third consecutive year of national debt reduction was 1949, said the official."

The Republicans, on the other hand, love to spend money they don't have - just like the vast majority of Americans. There is clearly a strong love by people who love to spend money they don't have for government leaders who spend money they don't have.

And one of the things you've got to love about John McCain's bid for the Presidency is that he's clearly ready to spend MORE of the money the government won't have as he plans to cut taxes even further at a time when the government is pending over a trillion dollars to bail out rich folks.

What is even more intriguing about the stupidity of the average American is the fact that they still cling to the Republican canard that Democrats are all "tax and spend liberals."

What a hoot. You've got love it. And what prompted this tirade of mine? See the following two charts which show that, even though 95% of Americans would get a tax DECREASE under Barack Obama's economic plan for the country, over 50% believe their taxes will go up under his Presidency.

I guess it makes sense that our nation should go bankrupt when the majority of our citizens are financial and political idiots.

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